No Doubt

I am so happy with No Doubt’s New album Push and Shove. I love Gwen Stefani…she’s always been on my style watch list and love her cute adorable family. She is just so badass!

I can’t stop listening to the album. I hope to get to go to their concert this year!


Finding Skinny Bitch


The picture to the left is one month before I got pregnant. I was a little shy of 120lbs. I gained 85lbs during pregnancy, way more than the average pregnancy weight gain. Emma and I didn’t have any complications during pregnancy or during labor and had a regular birth with epidural.

Since Emma’s birth, I’ve lost almost 50lbs but been stuck for the last six months now.

My current weight is the average weight of what I’ve always been since my 20’s with the exception of the drastic weight loss due to my vegan diet and working out 4-5x a week for a year after our wedding. I went from a size 6 to a size 2-4, That one year that I maintained my weight was the year I felt my very best and ever since I’ve had Emma, it’s been a struggle getting back to my pre baby weight.

I gave up on my vegan diet during pregnancy so it’s been a challenge for me to eliminate the meat and dairy but this week, I made up my mind I’m going to stick with it.

I re-read a couple of the books that first got me motivated. Books like Eat to Live, and The Skinny Bitch. (BTW the “bitch” in Skinny Bitch” is not the mean bitch you’re thinkig of, the title is picked to grab reader’s attention, says the book) The last few weeks, I committed to going to the gym with my hubby. I had stopped working out during Fall Semester because I just couldn’t do it with full-time work and school and keeping the house together. It was too much.

I jokingly say that maybe my body doesn’t want to lose weight, maybe it wants to get pregnant again.

Even if we choose to go for another baby, I really want to make healthy eating choices during pregnancy and not gain as much.

I really thought all that was going to be water weight and I did have a lot of water but most of it was fat. By the time I got home from the hospital the next day, I was already down 30Lbs. Emma was born close to 10lbs and I guess the 20lbs must have been the water and placenta and the rest, fat. LOL

I tried being intense about it right when we got home from the hosptial. I’d try to eat little but that made me feel sick especially since I was breastfeeding so I couldn’t keep up with it. I just felt so icky during and after.

It’s so annoying and frustrating to see celebrity moms bounce right back in less than 4 months. It seems like every magazine cover features “How she got her body back after baby in just 90 days!”

Maybe I’m a little jealous.

One celebrity I love and can relate to is Jessica Simpson! I loved watching her pregnancy and even after because she reminded me of me! Check out her interview with Jay Leno, she is hilarious, Jessica Simpson interview

oh how I wish, someone would give me a 3 million contract to lose the weight and be their spokesperson 🙂

Emma is almost 20 months and I’m still about 30lbs away from my ideal weight. I dont’ do diets well. Whenever I’m restricted I end up eating more. I like the word lifestyle because that makes me relax and enjoy what I eat knowing that what I’m putting in my body is to fuel it and give it what’s nutritious.

I’m determined to lose it for good by eating healthy and working out and being good to my body.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

New International Version (NIV)

19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.

I will update again.

Britney Spears

Britney Spears and Jason split three days ago and when I found out I was actually sad. I know they are celebrities but it doesn’t take away from the fact that they are human and have feelings.

I really liked the two together and wonder the details of their split.
Daily Mail sorta addresses it here.–revealed-just-dependent-ex-Jason-Trawick.html?ito=feeds-newsxml

There is always a lot of talk about her emotional state and the article mentions watering things down so she won’t lose it. Media never released what was wrong with her when the first hospitalized her.

Nonetheless, she is still one of my favorites and I will always root for her.


This is 40

Two weeks ago, my hubby and I went out on a date and saw This is 40. We were laughing so hard relating to the couple and the funny thng is we’re only 30 and could still relate! I love how the movie demonstrated the ups and downs marriage with kids. It is a beautiful mess and ever minute is worth it. Having a family is the best feeling, to have a belonging and then to have a child together it’s just magical.

My husband said he was actually surprised he really liked the movie. Originally he agreed to go for me 🙂

I recommend it to married couples with kids. 🙂

My Week With Marilyn

Michelle Williams does an excellent job playing Marilyn Monroe in My Week with Marilyn. Having ready My Story of Marilyn Monroe, born Norma Jeane, the movie was even more touching and heartfelt and my heart ached for her so badly. No one has ever been able to be as iconic as her even though they tried. She is irreplaceable.

My hubby even shed some tears in the end shamelessly.

I love movie nights with my love.

Let me know if you’ve seen the movie or see it, I’d like to know what you think about it!

Angry Coversations With God

Friday night, I had the privilege of going back as a guest to the Solo Show: Angry Conversations with God at Two Roads Theatre performed by the very funny lady, actress, comedian and writer, Susan Isaacs. I’m so lucky to have become friends with her! I can call her my friend now because she recognizes me and knows me by name and we’ve exchanged tweets back and forth! ha! 🙂

The first time I went with hubby a few weeks ago and then told my friend about it and she wanted to go. I invited my mom to come along with us because I knew she’d love it and she sure did!

They have extended the show because of sold out tickets. For those of you who don’t know about the show, here is some info and strongly recommend it! Go see it!

Susan E. Isaacs’ Angry Conversations with God: The Solo Show, a comedy based on her book “Angry Conversations with God: A Snarky but Authentic Spiritual Memoir,” premieres at Two Roads Theater in Studio City, CA, Sept. 14.


Written and performed by Isaacs (“Seinfeld,” “Parks and Recreation,” “My Name is Earl”), the limited engagement, directed by Matthew Corozine, continues through Oct. 13.

Here’s how the work is described: “When Susan, a 40-something Hollywood actress, finds herself jobless, loveless and living over a garage, she begins to question her faith. After an uptight church friend tells her to think of God as her husband, Susan sarcastically decides takes God to marriage counseling to see if they can keep it together ‘for better or worse.'”

Angry Conversations is based on Isaacs’ personal and professional conflicts as well as her combative history with what she calls “corporate Churchianity.”


“I have been testing material for this show in front of religious and secular audiences, and I am excited about its wide appeal,” said Isaacs in a statement. “I ask some significant religious questions, but you don’t have to be spiritual to ask yourself: What’s my purpose? What is my heart’s deepest longing? What do I do with tragedy? Well, in my case, middle-class white-girl’s tragedy.”


Angry Conversations with God: The Solo Show will be performed Fridays and Saturdays at 8 PM.

The Two Roads Theater is located at 4383 Tujunga Avenue in Studio City, Los Angeles, CA. For more information and tickets, call (626) 789-6590, visit or click here.



Motivation Monday- Candace Cameron Bure

Last night I watched this video of former Full House, DJ Tanner sharing her testimony at Liberty Universtiy Convocation. I relate to her so much because just like her I was raised in a good family that taught good morals, right from wrong and how to be a good person. Just like her, I also like pleasing my parents and the important people in my life because I naturally like to be praised. Just like her, I was never a bad kid who got into drugs or had a messed up life then  came to Jesus to fix me. I wasn’t that person. I was obedient and followed all the rules. Even though I know many wonderful people who come from those types of backgrounds it’s amazing how God has changed their lives and anyone who knows them can’t deny God. Just like her I thought I’m not as bad or messed up like those kids so I’m ok. I’m A GOOD person!

Our society has the image that messed up people go to church, people who can’t seem to have it all together but that’s so arrogant becasue that’s putting oneself higher and better than another person. We have ALL fallen short of the glory of God. Not one of us can say “I totally Rock because I’m so perfect.”

Her Testimony really made me think and most of all encouraged me and hope it does the same for you.

p.s. I love how she has a shirt line and the shirt says “Being good isn’t good enough.

Bad Teacher

Our daughter did us a favor and napped almost 3 hours straight yesterday and because of her hubby and I got to watch our netflix pick Bad Teacher with Cameron Diaz and Justin Timberlake.

The first reason why I picked the movie is because Justin and Cameron dated for awhile at one time and I can’t believe Jessica Biel would agree for him to play in the same movie as his ex. I’m assuming this caused some waves in their relationship and hence the minor break up before they just recently got engaged.

According to hubby, he gave the movie 2 stars and a half. I thought it was pretty hysterical. I love Cameron’s killer bod! Which girl wouldn’t wanna look like that at 40+ years old.

I also thought Jason Segal’s role was pretty cute too. No matter what role he plays, he ALWAYS reminds me of my hubby.

Check out the review by Rotten Tomatoes. Click Below

Bad Teacher