a day without a nap

Today was one of those long days when you spend 2-4 hours trying to get your toddler to sleep but fail. My 19 month old woke up at 8 a.m. this morning and just went to bed without any afternoon naps. This is a big deal for a mom. Moms can only get stuff done when they’re baby is asleep. At least for me that’s how it goes. If I try to hang one jacket in my closet, before I walk away somehow a little fairy is in there with me but she is knocking off all the shoes from rack. I choose to do chores when she is napping and when she goes to bed. I also choose to play with her when she’s up. I do realize she is not going to stay a baby forever so I enjoy my time with her when she’s up. 🙂

I wanted to look nice tonight for our Armenian Christmas gathering. I also wanted to have carpet cleaning done at our place so I went to my moms while hubby came home for the carpet cleaning.

Showering without rushing is a luxury when you’re a mom and that’s what I did at my parents. I had my mom watch Emma until I showered and blow dried my hair but that was it. After that, Emma kept wanting me and since I failed putting her to sleep at their place she was super cranky and had to have her by me while I tried putting on makeup and getting dressed.

After I changed her, I headed back home to pick up hubby to head over to his parents’ house for dinner. On the way back Emma insisted to sit in the car seat with her princess chair in her lap. When you have a cranky baby, you really shouldn’t waste your breath trying to tell them no unless you don’t mind hearing them crying all the way home.

The carpet looks brand new and Emma did pretty good at the gathering except we had to leave shortly after dinner because she was calling her grandma, mama. Poor thing, she was so exhausted.

She is now at the comfort of our home and sleeping in heavenly peace and my hubby is also knocked out and it’s not even 10:00pm yet but I’m so excited I get to sleep right now too!

Say your prayers, cast your worries to God, He is up all Night anyway ❤
