Ways to Inspire Your Children

Growing up in an Armenian family, I didn’t see much of praise giving from parents to their children nor did I see and form of affection between my parents and those of others. As I grow older, I realize how important it is for the child to know and see that his/her parents love each another. Another thing I’ve noticed within our Armenian families is that so often parents don’t praise their children thinking they will spoil them without realizing that the world around them mostly tries to tear them down and what we need to do as parents is build up our children so that they can handle the real world courageously. I also don’t appreciate the guilt and fear drivin motivation in our culture and I want to shine a light on that hoping that parents will realize it and change their parenting style.Sometimes I wish my parents told me that they love me and are proud of me but that’s not their style. I want to do things differently.

Here are some of the ways I believe we can inspire our children and raise them to be wholesome:

  1. Give children age appropriate responsibilities teaching them to care for the things God gives us.
  2. Each child is individual; pray that God will help you in developing that individual character.
  3. Listen to how your children speak, and encourage them to choose words wisely at school and at home. It’s important to teach them to bridle their tongue.
  4. Never forget to tell your children you’re proud of them. Don’t assume that they already know how you feel.
  5. Bible reading is a wonderful way to spend time together as a family. Make it a routine in your home
  6. Visit relatives often to show children the value of relationships.
  7. Bring your children to church and help them seek out ways to get involved.
  8. Be an example to your children of one who loves her neighbor as herself through random acts of kindness. Lend a helping hand to a busy neighbor, or take time out of a busy day to simply say hello.
  9. Laughter is medicine for the soul ~ laugh often with your children.
  10. Don’t just tell your children that you love them ~ tell them what you love about them.
  11. Encourage praise reports and prayer requests on a regular basis.
  12. Be an example to your children in the way that you love and honor your husband.
    Enlighten your children to the world around them by supporting missions and teaching them that there is a world both hungry for food and hungry for God. Pray that they will have a heart for missions.
  13. Take opportunities to hug your children often, to hold their hands, or to rest an assuring hand on their shoulder.
  14.  Show your children that you appreciate them by doing something special just for them, like making their favorite meal, or taking them out for an ice cream.

Don’t bad mouth your kids in front of others and don’t confuse discipline with punishment. The word discipline comes from the word disciple and it means to teach!



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